
Global Search

The most robust way to export, search, query, and filter large data sets from GRAX is using Global Search. Simply navigate to the Search tab within Salesforce or go directly to the Global Search section within the GRAX Application, and enter the criteria to find the data you are looking for. The data is prepared in a versatile CSV file that you can download or immediately restore back into Salesforce.

Please note that Global Search results will be deleted after 60 days of inactivity.

Global Search

Global Search allows you to find large sets of records that have been archived, deleted, or both.

Querying Large GRAX Search Results

The instructions below give you a framework to do complex queries, joins, filters, and segmentation of large Search Job results. (In the below sample we are using a 564.8 MB file of Tasks containing 3,009,400 search results)

  1. Download the SQLite open source tool.

  2. Download the GRAX Search Job results via CSV save as graxsearchresults.csv to where you saved Step 1.

  3. Open a Terminal / command-line and navigate to where SQLite and the graxsearchresults.csv are downloaded.

  4. Execute the below statements in the Terminal / command-line to load the graxsearchresults.csv results into memory and temporary SQL table named tempsearchtable.

    • NOTE: Before proceeding, please ensure you have sufficient system resources to load the graxsearchresults.csv in
    .import ./graxsearchresults.csv tempsearchtable --csv
    .mode box
  5. Get count of tempsearchtable

    sqlite> select count(*) from tempsearchtable;
    │ count(*) │
    │ 3009400  │
  6. How to search by a Date field.

    sqlite> select count(*) from tempsearchtable where datetime(CreatedDate)>'2022-9-30' and datetime(CreatedDate)<'2022-10-05T21:00:00';
    │ count(*) │
    │ 1284400  │
  7. How to search by Boolean

    sqlite> select count(*) from tempsearchtable where boolean(IsClosed)=true;
    │ count(*) │
    │ 2623005  │
  8. How to export search results to CSV file

    sqlite> .mode csv
    sqlite> .header on
    sqlite> .once ./filteredresults.csv
    sqlite> select Id from tempsearchtable where datetime(CreatedDate)>'2022-9-30' and datetime(CreatedDate)<'2022-11-1';
    $ head -10 ./filteredresults.csv

SQLite Help

The preceding steps use open source SQLite; you can find the SQLite Help Documentation Here