

The GRAX webapp interface offers a new, streamlined method of managing the configuration and behavior of your GRAX app. Access to the settings page is dependent on users possessing an administrator permission set via their Salesforce user. For more information about permissions management, see the permissions documentation.

GRAX Settings Page

Salesforce Panel

To manage the integration user, and thus the Salesforce org connected to, use the Salesforce panel in the GRAX settings tab. Here, you can choose to use OAuth or username and password, as well as choose whether to connect to a production or sandbox Salesforce org.

Salesforce Connection Panel

Storage Panel

To manage the storage bucket connected to GRAX, use the "Object Storage" panel in the GRAX settings tab. Here, you can choose between AWS, Azure, or GCP storage buckets as well as enter supported credential sets.

Storage Bucket Panel

General Settings Panel

To manage the larger behavior of your GRAX app, use the "General Settings" panel. Here, you can modify excluded objects, the schedules for auto updates, delete tracking, and metadata backups, as well as edit the behavior of restore. You can also set an "admin email address" which receives self-service emails when the app detects a supported failure.

General Settings Panel

Archive, Restore, and Seeding Panel

To manage how archives, restores, and seeds behave, use the "Archive, Restore, and Seeding" panel. Here, you can select objects to ignore from those processes, whether to allow them in production, setup behavior, how to handle ContentDocumentLink objects, record status check behavior, and sandbox seed targets.

Archive, Restore, and Seeding Panel

API Token Management

To access and manage API tokens, use the "API Token Management" panel. Here, you can create and destroy API tokens, and reveal legacy tokens if necessary.

API Token Management Panel